What skills are required for installing concrete mouldings?
Quoins: Quions are manufactured as a two-sided L-shaped piece. Once the base levels have been established, quoins are simply fitted one on top of another using adhesive and mechanical fixings.
Dentils: Dentils are manufactured with a metal strap on each side which are mechanically fixed to the wall. It is essential to pre-measure the proposed run of dentils to calculate the correct spacing between each dentil.
Window moulds: Window Moulds require to be cut to length allowing for a mitred corner or block style corner. They are fitted using adhesive and mechanical fixings.
Stringcourse: Once the appropriate level has been established the Stringcourse requires to be fixed using adhesive and mechanical fixings and on larger Stringcourses the use of dowels is essential. Traditionally where a Stringcourse is being installed on a building which also includes Quoins, the Stringcourse would run through the Quoins.
Chimney Copings: Chimney copings are manufactured as a four-sided moulding which sits on top of the chimney and is back filled using concrete.
Pillars: Pillars require a suitable foundation. Pillars are manufactured with a protruding metal bar at the top to facilate secure fixing.
Pilasters: Pilasters are fitted using adhesive and dowels. It is desirable that all shafts are of equal length and any adjustment for rise or fall of a building be accommodated using the base. Where the adjustment required is excessive different sizes of shafts can be manufactured.